Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ezra 10:4 (TNIV)

4 Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it."

Have you all heard of Perez Hilton (not PARIS Hilton, that's another idiot)? If you haven't, good, he shouldn't be popular. He is a blogger who attacks celebrities, politicians, and anything he thinks will get him the least bit of attention. Recently you may have heard that he was all up in arms over Miss California's response to one of his pageant questions regarding her stance on gay marriage. Mr. Hilton was angry that Miss California said her belief was marriage was between a man and a woman. She was polite, well-spoken, and conveyed her belief - thus answering the question. Perez however took it as hate speech, and now says that she would have won the Miss America pageant had she been more "middle of the road" or I'm sure what he meant, pro-gay. When asked as direct a question as Miss California was, I applaud her for standing up for her beliefs. Personally, I too believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Actually, marriage was established as a union between man and a woman, and not just biblically - historically. I think that gay couples should have all the rights and financial benefits of a married couple, just not the title of 'marriage', because you can't call one thing something that it is not. Miss California and I are in good company though - the president of the united states, Barack Obama, is also against gay marriage. I condemn anyone, including Christians, who are hateful towards homosexuals, but it is not hate to simply and politely not support something contrary to one's beliefs. I feel like free speech in this country is limited to left-wingers and homosexuals - and I am saying this as a liberal leaning, Barack-supporting, Massachusetts independent.

Perez got what he wanted, the media attention, and a mention in my blog, haha, but seriously, I applaud Miss California and wish her the best. She has made more of an impact than I am sure she expected to, and I congratulate her for it.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you. Perez Hilton proved himself to be an ass when his "response" was to call her a "stupid cunt". I never really liked the guy anyways.

    Also, I totally agree that everyone (gay or straight) should have equal rights. The whole gay marriage thing is nothing more than a fight over a word. It has nothing to do with equal rights anymore, it has to do with what they want it to be called. Which is stupid and I think it defeats the whole purpose for their argument. That would be like me saying I am pissed because I can't have a civil union because I'm straight.

    Anyways, I love the new blog.
