Last night I watched "The Great American Road Trip" on NBC. Now, any contestants who come accross this blog while googling themselves, let me make it known: your show.....was better than it had any right to be. Your host is an Andy Richter wannabe, the challenge involving the presidents looked like it could be done at any summer camp, and the Southern "Bush-loving" woman, Amie (pictured),

who looks like a cross between a golden retriever and Paula Deen officially creeped me out. So why did I like it? The answer is simple: most of the people. Now that the rich brat family has been sent home (even though they really weren't that bad), the families left seem like they are just there for a good time. My favorite family is the Faverey's. They are this down-on-your-luck hispanic family from New York City who don't ever go on vacations and NBC cast them, in doing so giving them some much needed time off. I want them to win. The one person who I really want gone though is nine year-old Jake Coote. Half of the time he talks like he is auditioning for an "Exorcist" remake and the fact that he describes himself as wanting to always be the center of attention has me hoping their early win in the first game doesn't translate into more successes. Mind you, I more than ever understand the power of editing, so all of the families could potentially be amazing or horrific, but for my time, this show is a trip worth taking. My word though, doesn't that Amie woman look like Paula Deen!!
Okay, enough of that. So tonight is another episode of "I Survived a Japanese Game Show." I never wrote my thoughts about the departed Debbie. Debbie, the "stable hand", has very little "stable" about her. Just kidding, I just wanted to write that. Now, her bickering with Bobaloo was really more her bickering ABOUT Bobaloo, as he really didn't say much about the matter as it happened. She really was upset at him, but a recent YouTube video (contains profanity, be warned) shows they have since made amends. Debbie reminded me of a polite little kid. Everything that would happen to the group of us, she would be the one with the biggest smile on her face. She always had to say something positive about everything, which honestly, got a little old at times. I didn't always have nice things to say about her, but when she got eliminated, I was actually sadder than I thought I would be. I told her though that she had an awesome exit costume - a penguin - seriously, so cool!! So make sure you all watch the show tonight and I will blog about the departed, even if it's me, later tonight and after every episode for the rest of the season.
Again, if you're looking for my old blog, I took it down because frankly, now that I am an R-list (reality) "celebrity", I don't want random people reading my uncensored rants. Be blessed, and leave a comment if you wish! You don't have to be a blogger member to leave some feedback.
Nice commentary! Thanks for the update!