When 4.5 million people are watching you make a fool of yourself on national television, there are going to be people out there ready to jump on your every word and gesture. I told myself going into the whole reality show process that if I was lucky enough to get selected for "I Survived a Japanese Game Show", I would not let people "get to me." I told myself I would laugh off the negative, and take in the positive. Thankfully for me, things have been mostly positive. Here is just a small sampling of nice things out there (note, I'm not listing things from my Facebook fan page as it would be expected to hear nice things there - and it would take too long to copy over as everyone there has been great!):
"I liked Yari, but I was glad Dan won. He seems like a nice guy." (Responding about episode 2)
"I hate all the contestants on this show except Dan (and Yari before she was eliminated.)" (Responding about episode 3)
"Dan is so adorkable when he is riding the drifting race car. "Oh.... my word!""(Responding about episode 4)
"When he talks he reminds me so much of him. Like he got all the best parts of John Mayer and Michael Cera or something. Whaddya think?" (General comment under heading "Dan=Michael Cera?)

Now, of course, it hasn't been 100% positive. I'm not going to take the time to link the negatives, which fortunately don't appear that often, but I have been called a few pretty nasty names. One other funny thing to note - most negative comments have come after this past week's episode, where my virginity becomes the joke. Seriously people, I am proud of that fact but I don't judge those who aren't. I never attacked Drew in the past episode for not being a virgin - everything was total game as explained in an earlier post.
My biggest laugh is when bloggers say any of the contestants suck at the games. It's like because we agreed to be on the show, we should be experienced at games like "Pin Clothes on Judge Bob" and "Wheel of Human Torpedo." It's not like if one was to go on Jeopardy! and not answer any questions correctly, or appear on any episode of Cops where people might really suck at life. This is merely a fun summer show, and the lengths to which people get nasty on message boards is very, well, pathetic and humorous. There have been a couple of comments about fellow contestants that have irritated me as I know the people personally and how great they are in real life. I have wanted to defend them on message boards, but decided dignifying these outlandish comments with a response would probably just get the bloggers going all the more. I never looked at message boards in my "real world" life, but must admit to checking them daily now. When the show is done, I will stop, I'm sure. Just remember though, if you're in the message board world, what you write about a major celebrity will probably not get back to them. What you write about a real person who has had a once-in-a-lifetime adventure though will probably reach their monitors in some way, shape, or form. Just keep that in mind.
And if Alex. S. really wants to punch me in the face, he can name the time and place to try. This librarian is ready to go all Majide on his.....Have a great Sunday everyone!
it's good to know that things have been mostly positive!
ReplyDeleteI've been a member of various message boards for awhile now. I was actually telling my close friend Rachel about you last night, and she did some research on you, and based on what she found, she likes you! And she said that she hadn't watched the new season of ISAJGS (she watched it last year) but that she would prolly start watching because of you!
You inspire people every day.........and you do kinda remind me of Michael Cera. You're very adorkable and, judging from your blogs, you come off as very down-to-earth. I'd love to meet you someday.
Look forward to seeing you next week!