your consolation brought joy to my soul" - Psalm 94:19
So I e-mailed my publicist and asked what exactly I am allowed to talk about when it comes to "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" as I know information that most people don't. He said I was allowed to discuss things that have already aired. So that's what I am going to do, specifically last nights episode. If you didn't catch it, don't read on as I will spoil things for you. If you're looking for a more thorough recap, go to this blog which also recaps the show, just with less of a bias and more information about the games (it does contain strong language.) The first game of the night was "Snap Attack", which looked terrifying. Now, I volunteered to sit out, but
it really had nothing to do with the pain factor. I used to weigh 270-odd pounds and I have had major hip surgery - let's just say being half-naked on national television was something I wasn't comfortable with, and as we had to sit someone out, I was thankful to my team for allowing me to do so. I really felt bad for Cathy though, as normally I would have been the gentleman, but this was just a rush of emotions I wasn't ready for and so, I got to sit out. The game was just a glorified coin toss to which the Red Robots, my team, came out victorious. The second game, "Paint Splash Madness" was incredible. Players have to catch paint falling from the sky and toss it into a container another teammate is holding at the end of a small runway. First of all, I didn't know my position in the game as "The Catcher" was going to be so useless. I expected to be able to move the cup and try to catch the paint, not just sit there and spin. The Red Robots actually talked strategy beforehand about how I would try and spin around as fast as possible, but as soon as we watched the Green Tigers go, we realized my position
was just "sit there and don't fall off" - luckily I accomplished that. So the Red Robots got almost twice as much paint and won the reward of safety and Tokyo drift car racing. Drifting was incredible - I had a blast, and "Oh my word" really does sum up the entire experience. Justin can "L" me all he wants (which is his way of saying I'm a loser), but I frankly am not looking for a social status ranking from a future member of AA.
Megan and Bobaloo head into elimination and well, I had total mixed feelings. From a personal standpoint, I liked both of these people a lot. I felt Megan was a stronger competitor though, and for that reason alone I was sort of hoping Bobaloo was going to win the elimination challenge. The game "Alien Took My Teddy Bear" involved just running on a bunch of treadmills and spinners transporting teddy bears. So awesome. Bobaloo goes first and totally rocks it, getting a bear really quickly. At this point all of the Robots are watching and thinking "this dude might actually have a chance!" Unfortunately for Bobaloo, it was all downhill from there. He did about as well on the treadmills as I did during the "Pin Clothes On Bob" game a couple weeks ago, and his one bear score was narrowly defeated by Megan "Long Blonde Extensions" Bentley. The best part of the episode (aside from my "Oh My Word" montage) was Bobaloo's Japanese fan's screaming for him not to go. I laughed so hard - so hard. That was incredible television that is Emmy-worthy. Here's a fact you might not know: Bobaloo is a house cleaner, but also a comedian. I recently had the chance to watch some of his stand-up on DVD and there is some pretty funny stuff. It's not for the kids mind you, and a couple of jokes had me thinking "OMW", but his delivery is impressive and in time I can totally see him doing more things in the public spotlight.
So that wraps up the summary of episode four. So long Bobaloo! You will be missed.

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