First off, I posted a new poll - my first non-"ISAJGS" one - and please people, for the love of Rome Kanda, just vote once. I love you to death but voting hundreds of times only skews the the actual opinion. In the first poll I posted, Yari won by over eight hundred votes. No offense to her, but 95% of the vote? Someone obviously figured out how to vote more than once with cache clearing mechanisms and what not. Don't you think you could feel safe, ohhhhh, after voting one hundred or two hundred times. And my polls have no sway on the show, and I doubt ABC execs reads this blog (if you do, hi there, how's it going - soooooo, I am totally open to either "The Bachelor: Christian Edition" or a cameo as a patient on "Grey's Anatomy" - just throwing that out there). Where was I...oh, SO frequent voter, don't you know on the lightning strike of a chance that there is ever a Majide all-stars, I don't think they (the execs) are going to see "Yari support" in my blog poll as the reason to bring her back. What point is your life at where you can just vote eight hundred times and justify that time spent? Woah. Harsh. I know. I should just be thankful you make my blog statistics look freaking awesome - but please for the love of voting integrity, just vote one time. If you want to spread the word about the poll to friends and family to have your opinion heard, so be it. But seriously. I guess I shouldn't judge "time well spent" though - being overly bored the other night, I resorted to opening up Paint - which is one of the most lame things ever. So I created the lousy piece of crap below- I call it:
"Ugly Octopus Meets Big Weird Fish And Decides Not to Say Hi Despite Knowing She Needs Friends But No, Even She Won't Sink to His Pathetic Level As She Doesn't Need Friends That Badly And She Is Sure to Make New Better Pals When She Starts Her New Job Next Week as a Temp Worker Holding 'Going Out Of Business' Signs For A Local Underwater Furniture Retailer That Is Going Under (Pun Intended) Due to the Economic Downturn Brought On By the Bush Administration or Maybe the Clinton Administration, She Doesn't Know As She Only Voted Once Because Someone Paid Her to Do So Which May Have Been Ethically Wrong But She Needed Cigarette Money."

- can you not tell it's been a long crazy week at work so far and I have chosen today to let off my insane steam in blog form. At least I'm not kicking kittens or something. Or hamsters. That would be terrible. But if you steal this picture for your blogs or anywhere else, you better believe I will sue the living daylights out of you. Just kidding. You love the picture. You know you do. If you steal it, then at least have the courtesy of keeping the title with it. The title is the most important part. OMW, my week has been crazy and this is the most disjointed post I have ever done. I forgot what I was even going to write about, but I think the picture above actually has you lunging for one of your other favorite sites instead, and I don't blame you. Go do that instead. Or heck, vote for the 458th time in the poll. Until tomorrow...
It was I. I'm sorry for voting so many times.
ReplyDelete"Former Frequent-Voter"
I voted in the poll. "The Time-Traveler's Wife" is a movie I've been looking forward to since the beginning of July, when I saw a preview for it when my cousin Rachel and I went to see "My Sister's Keeper", which was INCREDIBLY sad. Rachel and I cried our eyes out. If you get a chance, watch it, but bring a box of Kleenex because you'll need it.
ReplyDeleteI am starting to get into graphics. I use GIMP. I've only made a few things, using tutorials. I took a picture of you from ISAJGS and applied a tutorial my friend Rachael posted. I showed it to Rachael and she said it turned out really well. If you would like to see how it turned out, just give me a buzz.
All is forgiven FFV - and I should thank you for boosting the stats on the blog!!! It was hilarious to see Yari get so many votes and Kimberly get no votes!!! Bobaloo from the show even talked about you in his radio show in a round about way - it was very funny! Be blessed!
ReplyDeleteTo Dan and fellow blog-followers,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for the distress that I might have caused. I had no intention to upset anyone. Please accept my sincere apologies. I won't be voting multiple times.
With sincere regrets and apologies,
"Former Frequent-Voter from Hawaii"
Seriously - chill.
ReplyDeleteThere's no harm done - I actually half-thought the voting was a computer program or something as the votes built so quickly. I am impressed - you should channel that energy into something else've proven you're dedicated to a cause - try politics!
If your looking for another endeavor/ordeal with ABC, maybe you could audition for Lost, one of my favorite shows ever. They've yet to shoot season 6 and they are notorious for their namechecking of noteworthy literature. You've probably got plenty suggestions...just a thought.
ReplyDeleteI voted for District 9. I love sci-fi and really, I haven't seen a good one since Star Trek.