"The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil." - Proverbs 15:28
I want to thank everyone for their outpouring of support pertaining to my time on "I Survived a Japanese Game Show." My e-mail, Facebook, and MySpace message boxes have been flooded with questions - many of them the same, and I wanted to take the time to address them all in one place. You can call this the FAQ of Dan on "ISAJGS." All of the following questions have been asked of me more than once - some of them are really funny in my opinion!
Q. Did you really kill the sumo wrestler? (Asked by at least four young children, two of them being Cathy's! This pertains to my elimination game in episode two where I had to "glide" over a mountain of lubed up sumos. In the show, I make a comedic comment "I think I may have killed one of them....and I might be engaged to another.")
A. No. I didn't kill the sumo wrestler....I don't think so anyways! I will say that the sumos do get revenge on me though later in episode six when the Red Robots have to work as sumo servants.
Q. Who was your favorite original Red Robot?
A. Good question. Well, if I had to answer this question pre-episode five, I would say it's a tie between Jamie and Drew. They were both totally cool people when they weren't always ducking into the bedroom. I got a long really well with Justin at the beginning too - he took me back to my college days, or at least memories of people I knew in college. I think Yari is someone I would get along really well with if I didn't have to live in close proximity of her 24/7, but I have nothing nice to say about Kimberly. Nothing at all.
Q. Who was your favorite Green Tiger?
A. I actually loved all but one of the Green Tigers. I was really sad I wasn't put on that team in the beginning. For respect of the one person, who I don't hate, just didn't click as well with, I am not going to answer this question completely.
Q. Did Jamie and Drew have sex?
A. This is a popular "moms ask me when their kids are looking away question" - and the answer is "HOW WOULD I KNOW!!!!?" I really don't know, although the show's Executive Producer, Kent Weed, said on his blog that he knows for a fact a lot more than kissing went on between them in the Majide house.
Q. Were the squids real in the elimination game between Jamie and Drew?
A. Yes. And they smelled awful! I actually knew before even seeing the game raw seafood was involved - we could all smell something bad when we got to the set.

Q. Are you in touch with the cast members now?
A. Almost every day. It's primarily on Facebook. The cast has some threads going, and usually we all post something every day or every few days at the least. Kimberly is the only one not in on the dialogue. The video on my sidebar is a clip Bobaloo took from our reunion in Chicago.
Q. When did you tape the show?
A. The show was filmed this past spring. It was in Tokyo - some people out there actually think it was all shot in Los Angeles on sets - which I think is hilarious. Trust me, we were in Japan - I have the passport stamp to prove it! While the show was airing and I wasn't eliminated, people thought I was flying back and forth from Japan each week like the show was live or something - I could not handle that jet lag!
Q. Who do you want to win?
A. I answered this in my long-winded goodbye blog, but in short - Linda.
Q. Why didn't you volunteer yourself to go into the elimination game against Megan?
A. Funny story, but I am contractually not allowed to discuss it. Let's just say that was an option I explored and felt my best move in the game was to go another route. Obviously I was incorrect, but I don't regret anything. It's Majide, not rocket science!
Q. Was the sumo wrestler in the shower scene really naked?
A. Heck yes, heck yes, heck yes. I actually didn't think they were going to show that scene on TV. Those dudes obviously have a different set of standards.
Q. Did you really never jump on a trampoline?
A. My parents told me that I had one when I was really little, but I don't remember it at all. It had nothing to do with being homeschooled though. And I think for being as sore and injured as I was, I had a couple of really good jumps!
Q. Where did you go to school for your MLS (Master's of Library Science?)
A. I actually don't have an MLS. I have a Broadcasting degree from Southeastern University. I have extensive programming experience and training with youth - that's why I fit in well in the position of Young Adult Librarian. As of this month, I have worked in libraries on and off for ten years.
Q. What is a Young Adult Librarian?
A. Many people think a Young Adult Librarian is just someone young (like me) who works in a library. Not true. What a YA Librarian does is work with youths in their communities. I am responsible for building a book collection and running events for Shrewsbury teens and 'tweens in grades 5-12. My communication degree comes in handy!
Q. Your bio on ABC says you like poker - that seems weird for someone like yourself?
A. Love it. I would play every day if I could, but I am all about responsible gaming. I actually budget out what I can afford to spend on playing poker or blackjack, and only spend that. If I had won the big $250,000 prize, I would have played in the WPT Main Event in Vegas. Oh well - I'll stick to the $40 and $60 tournaments every couple of months!!
Q. What is something interesting about yourself that didn't come through on the show?
A. Two things people who know me well say they were surprised they didn't see on the show. One - people say I have a great sense of dry humor. And two, I lost 90 pounds in about a year and a half.
Q. Are you going to go on another reality show?
A. Doubtful, but if the opportunity arose, I would jump at it. Casting producers want fresh faces, and even though the show wasn't a hit, I am still known around the reality show community. My favorite show in the world is The Amazing Race and going on that would be incredible.
Q. Are you going to use your newfound notoriety for anything?
A. Well, my blog readership has increased! I would love to be an advocate for something, but I still think celebrities - even lowly reality show celebrities like myself - are annoying when they talk about causes like they are some authority. I will share my opinions in the guise of this blog, and for now, that's all. Who knows what the future holds. If you had told me six months ago that I would have been on a reality show, I would have laughed. We'll see what God has in store for me.
Q. Did you get to do much tourism in Japan?
A. No. What you saw on the show is pretty much the extent of it, with a couple of little exceptions. I was there for a show, not a vacation. That's not to say I didn't have a blast though!
Q. What was your favorite game to play?
A. Big Baby Go Boom Boom - I think that's the name of it (I had the hardest time remembering the names of the games, and still do!) - it was so much fun. Jamie, Justin, and I would have gone again just for fun if they had let us. We lost the game, but seriously, so much fun!!
Q. What was your least favorite game to play?
A. Stuck on Golf - that sticky stuff was a pure nightmare.
Q. Did you get to keep the costumes?
A. Nope - they are all in waiting for future Majide victims.
Q. Was the host really that annoying?
A. Rome Kanda was incredible. He is animated - really animated - but he is so dedicated and so personable that I think all of the cast mates respect him greatly. No Rome hate allowed in my world, that's for sure!
Q. Is Majide a real show?
A. I don't want to be the authority on this question - but I do know the answer. Just Google it. Just remember how you felt when you found out about Santa.
Q. What would you have done with the money had you won?
A. As mentioned above, I would have loved to play in the WPT Main Event in Vegas. I would have tithed 10% to churches and charities I support. My dream vacation is to go on an African safari, so I would have done that for sure. The rest would have been boring bill-paying and saving. I'm practical like that, haha!
Okay, hopefully I covered everything!!! Be blessed.
Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions!
ReplyDeleteWow....how did you manage to lose a lot of weight? I can relate to that too: I lost 31 pounds in 7 weeks at summer camp and have done my best to keep it off.
I just wanna say that you're an inspiration to us all and that you're amazing. I am looking into transferring to UMass Boston next year (I have family nearby plus I LOVE it out there), so maybe we'll run into each other!
Looking forward to what you say next,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the little Q & A there. Those Majide games are pretty intense, eh? It looked really fun though for some insane reason. It's like I want to be stuck to a sticky board after watching it on TV. Oh by the way- if you see Justin anytime soon or talk to him- tell him this for me (and tell me the answer of course if you get time), "Vanilla Ice Circa 1990 called and he wants his shaved hair lines back!" Okay thanks!
*Katy* from "Oh my Katy Blog"
ReplyDeleteI am going to ask this for a special friend. Her best friend was killed in a car accident one year ago today (August 3rd). Will leave more details on my blog (click my name and it'll lead ya to it). Please pray for Lauryn.
One more question:
ReplyDeleteDid you guys film the commentaries after each game, day, or after the show was over? If not after each game - so that meant you guys had to get back in costume and look as if you just played the game moments ago?
We were filming the commentaries all the time. After each round of every game, after each game was completed, every morning, every night - we were in those confessionals at least four times per day each, often times more. They rarely had to get us in a position to look like we had just been playing - most times we really were just finished with a portion of the game! The producers worked really hard to make sure all angles of the story were covered!
ReplyDeleteSo did you get to keep the chopsticks you made? I thought that was a pretty interesting process. Still not as bad as the sumo servant ordeal but that's probably a better momento to bring back, no?